Violence, or the threat of violence is not an acceptable answer. Here in America we can say or write (or draw) anything we want to, even if it hurts someone's feelings or lends support to a viewpoint not popular to the viewer. If I went around threatening harm to everyone in this country who said something I found stupid or offensive I'd spend so much time hating and hurting that I would never know peace. I find it's better to simply ignore those words that I find offensive. They can't hurt me, they can't make me change my mind about something I believe, they are only words or images. I can turn away, or listen to something else, focus on a peaceful or productive task.
For instance, I find your view of pagans rather offensive, as I myself am a practicing pagan. I celebrate the changing of the seasons and the harvesting of my crops. How exactly does that make me a terrible evil person? Yes, I supported Draw Mohammed Day, but not because I am a pagan, my religion has nothing to say about other religions, I support it because I support my right to free speech. Not just my right to speech that's non-offensive, but the right to ALL speech, no matter it's content. Which is why I respect your right to your views about my chosen religion. I don't agree with them, I think they're wrong, but I think you have the right to voice your beliefs and I won't threaten you with violence. I don't think those rights extend to violence against opposing views.
You will never succeed in making America silent. Will you try to kill every American? For only then will you quiet our voice. If you don't like our views on free speech and separation of government and religion, then quit watching our cartoons, quit enjoying our social networking sites, and stop reading our newspapers and comics. Just go bury your head in your sand of choice and enjoy the quiet.
Myself, I'll take the noisy, offensive, wonderful sound of freedom, over silence any day.
Goddess bless.
Violence, or the threat of violence is not an acceptable answer.
We didnot show any violence at all.If you are going to point out us, then what are your thoughts about ur ownself for breaking the laws of "Freedom of speech" do we the Pakistanis should tell you what US law says about freedom of speech!?
If you are still a human then there are some limits for everything even in US which you must not cross.But if you suspect that you have been transformed into an animal then carry on, I'm not supposed to talk to you.
And please don't be offended, its freedom of speech, who can know it better than you!! :)
"We did not show any violence at all."
What about the death threats against the cartoonists involved in the South Park episode or against Molly Norris? That seems like threat of violence to my mind.
"Breaking the laws of Freedom of Speech"
I'm not sure what you mean here. I'm not breaking any laws. Here's the text directly from our constitution:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Court cases have decided some areas of free speech our government won't tolerate, but the right to talk about religion is NOT one of those areas. I can't speak known falsehood, or libel others. I can't advocate the overthrowing of the government by violence. That's it. Everything else is 100% legal. I'm sorry if you think otherwise, but I think you're mistaken.
You're point of human vs animal is interesting. I don't believe drawing a picture of a person is grounds for declaring me non-human. Poking fun at the Muslim beliefs is a bit childish yes, but in America we have a long tradition of poking fun at each other's religions. They are all equally ridiculous.
Don't worry, your comment doesn't offend me, I'm excited to have a conversation about this issue with you.
Jennie,I fully agree that everyone should have freedom of speech.
But Don't you agree that the right should be equal to all.?
@YOur comment @ Spring of autumn,what did u mean by saying,"Muhammad -- Tell you what this isn't creating a nice image of you people here."
And while commenting on that blog,you seemed surprised to hear the name of the game,"Muslim massacre".And you mentioned a game kill the infidels.
Well I never heard of Muslim doing such things.But to prove my word I can provide you with hundreds of authentic links to the "Muslim massacre" game.
sECondly,I got an objection that if you got the right to speak whatever you like,then why not do it by yourself.Why motivate others to join the party.?
Why did those guys create an event.?Why don't do it at home alone.?
And moreover,There's no place where I could find that freedom of speech is only to abuse Islam.I never saw such pages about "Holocaust" or the Hindu goddess.?
I got a lot to things to talk about but short of time as my CIE exams are near,but I'll comment again.And hopefully you'll justify your views to me.
God save us all from the mischievous.
Muhammed -- ""@YOur comment @ Spring of autumn,what did u mean by saying,"Muhammad -- Tell you what this isn't creating a nice image of you people here." ""
I was quoting you. You said that in your first comment and I was quoting you to respond to that sentence, that's why your name is in front of it.
Muhammed -- "And while commenting on that blog,you seemed surprised to hear the name of the game,"Muslim massacre"....But to prove my word I can provide you with hundreds of authentic links to the "Muslim massacre" game."
Oh, sadly I believe it exists, no need to prove it.
Muhammed --"And moreover,There's no place where I could find that freedom of speech is only to abuse Islam.I never saw such pages about "Holocaust" or the Hindu goddess.? "
Of course it's not only to abuse Muslims, we have a rich tradition of insulting many cultures. :-)
I agree about being busy, I've got deadlines at work that are keeping me from responding on Spring of Autumn again, I do hope I get back there this week though. Good luck on your exams!
Thanks for the luck.
Of course I know Jennie that there's no ban on hijab in the United states,as my mother who wears a veil,spend a month in Nashville,Tennessee
And didn't have any problem.
But I mentioned these thing because this Draw Muhammad Thing wasn't only for Pakistan but it was for Islam.In that sense I meant to say that how can justify the acts of the people of your religion, Christianity,if I'm not you wrong you must be a Christian.?
On my point about Holocaust,I never saw an competition on Holocaust, Instead Jews protested very strongly when once some one drew something about the Holocaust.
My point is that if you got Freedom of speech then give that freedom to everyone.Secondly,If you got the freedom to speak,do speak whatever you like but please don't motivate people to do the same.Because it's ur right use it yourself as you like.Motivating others with events like those,is totally out of the box.!
I hope you would got my point at last..
Muhammed -- In that sense I meant to say that how can justify the acts of the people of your religion, Christianity,if I'm not you wrong you must be a Christian.?
I must be a Christian? Because I'm not. I'm a practicing Pagan.
Muhammed -- My point is that if you got Freedom of speech then give that freedom to everyone.
Everyone in America has freedom of speech, Christians, Pagans and Muslims. I'm afraid we don't have the military power to promise it for everyone in the world. You'll have to fight that battle yourself I think.
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