Monday, August 3, 2009

Mmm Beans!

Well, it took until August, but I finally got my first crop of green beans out of the Downtown West plot. I filled a grocery bag half full! There's at least 5 pounds of beans in there. I also harvested 10lbs of squash. I'll have to try and can some of them this week.

Speaking of, Mom and I canned corn this weekend. We got a bushel of corn from a local farmer, we grilled a few ears up with lunch and still got 22 pints of corn. It worked out to under 1$ a pint. Mom and I halved the pints, so I have 11. Should do just fine for my family's corn needs this winter.

Best tip ever for getting corn off the cob -- Use a Bundt pan and a sharp knife. I've yet to try a corn gadget that actually works to get corn off the cob quickly. The Bundt pan is a stroke of genius though. Put the ear of corn on end on the center peak of the pan, use the knife to cut down one side, the kernels fall into the large bowl of the pan and the ear stays up and out of the pan and easy to cut.

I'll be digging up a potato bush this week to check on things down below. Keep your fingers crossed for me. :-)


Chino said...

My dear old Grandma used the Indian Rope Burn technique. Seemed to work for her.

On to a different topic, on my blog, you mentioned that the military has a government run healthcare system and that if its good for our soldiers its good enough for us.
Well, its not good enough. Not for them or us.
You OBVIOUSLY have NEVER been to a VA Hospital! Ask any military person that has been in one, tell me what they say. I have visited a hospital in Des Moines, IA a few years back, BEAUTIFUL! I have also seen the Walter Reed Medical Center here in the DC area, disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Never heard of the bundt method for corn. Sounds cool. I'll never be using it though since I can't eat the stuff!
Love you harvest pic!
Good luck with your "second" crops for the winter. Beets always work well for me. Have you done parsnips before? They are fussy to get started.