Thursday, December 18, 2008

Seed Catalogs!

Yay they are here!! And since patience is still not one of my virtues, I of course got 3 catalogs. hee hee.. that's ok. I'll share them with friends. I did a lot of seed saving this past year and so my seed order won't be too huge. But it's still one of my favorite part of the gardening year. All the hopes and the planning and the dreaming, with no bugs, no dead plants and not a single failure in sight. :-) Plus, there's the added bonus that I know whatever I buy to plant will help feed my baby. And he doesn't know that veggies are icky yet. :-D Maybe he never will... :-P
I need to find seeds for a different carrot type, something that will store longer than what I grew last year. And I need to decide what type of potato I'm going to try and grow in my vertical potato experiment. Might try some new lettuces just to keep things fresh. And maybe a new squash, if I see something that might be better for baby food. Maybe a butternut or acorn. We'll see.

Speaking of baby, I've been sewing up a storm lately. Sheets and blankets are almost done, next on the list is bibs and diapers. I'll attempt to take a picture of the crib with it's festoon of blankets and post it here. Some things I save money on by sewing them myself. Sheets are probably not one of them.. but it makes me feel better than just buying them from China at Walmart. (course we won't mention the fact that a lot of the material I use is probably made in China... ) Diapers definitely do. More on this later as it deserves a post all it's own.

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